Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blog 7.1: Threats and Security

Threats to our information network or site are viruses, outside intruders, employees/consultants, natural disasters, and links to outside business contacts.  Viruses are programs that are for malicious intent and it could slow down our site or create harm to it.  Outside intruders/hackers are people that could alter our information such as prices, they could create something that would make our cabins cheaper for them, and so on.  Employees/consultants could unintentionally make errors of our information or they could use that for malicious intent.  Natural disasters/accidents are things that we cannot predict such as animals eating our cables, something from the ceiling falling and destroying our computers, and fire damage.  Finally, links to outside business contacts is a threat to us because they could try to find out how we make our money(family secret) and they could rip-off our business plan.

Before you get worried, we have technological safeguards for the things described above.  Physical access restrictions takes care of hackers and other people by authentication of use of a password, photo ID, and so on.  Firewalls were designed to detect intrusion and prevent unauthorized access.  Encryption takes care of links to business contacts by coding our messages and allowing only our employees to encrypt and decrypt information.  Virus monitor and protection takes care of viruses by detecting viruses before they do serious damage to our site.  Finally, Audit-control software such as time restriction access and accesses only files required for work.

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