Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog 6.1 Pillars of 2.0

The four pillars of Web 2.0 are Utilizing the Web as a platform, Harnessing Collective Intelligence, Leveraging the Data, and Implementing Innovative Web Capabilities.

Utilizing the Web as a platform standardizes the Web for any person to be able to use the Web through a browser and an Internet connection.  Our company needs this so people will be to access our site as easily as possible.

Harnessing Collective Intelligence enables users to contribute on a site, thus improving the content of a site.  Our company would use this by creating a site that displays a review of our cabins and allows people to post comments and ask questions which would be answered by us or our other customers.

Leveraging the Data is using powerful databases to make decisions.  Our company would use this by using our special database to extract information to determine which cabins sell better and what needs to be improved.

Implementing Innovative Web Capabilities is key to having a competitive edge over our competitors.  Our company would incorporate this by introducing widgets (programs with usually a single purpose) such as registering for a new deal with a countdown, mash-ups, and so on.

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