Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our Value-Chain Analysis

Cabin rentals looks like an easy business aspect. However, there is more to it than that. In this diagram, we have several business processes. 

Business processes are activities an organization performs to reach their business goals.  For example, for us to be ready for you, we need to gather supplies for the cabins so it would be ready for you and your loved one when you get there. 

We would then advertise our services online, in the newspaper, etc.  People who are interested in our service can call and talk with our receptionist(functional area info systems) to schedule an appointment with us to set up the vacation.

  Once they are there at the appointment, we would discuss on how they are going to pay this off; either with cash or credit.  That describes our transaction-processing info system.  Once we are done with the payment options, we would ask them which cabin they would like to go to: Miami or Bahamas. 

After they come back from their vacation, we would contact them and ask them how it went and how we could make it better, if possible (Customer Relations Management).

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