Thursday, September 30, 2010

Telecommunication Network: 4.2

In the diagram displayed above, these telecommunication networks show us how they work.  In the second box that says sender (client) is the person who asks for a task to be done by sending transmission media and protocols, which are rules that have to be followed.  While the receiver (Server) works to complete the task at hand and then sends a response.  They both use digitizing, which is the converting of information into bits and they both have bandwidth, which is transmission capacity or how much could be sent back and forth.  The benefits of this system is that they are wireless, in which they are transmitting info in the air.  Or they could have cable media which is a physical pathway between two or more servers/receivers.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

4.1 IFS/HW Infrastructure

This diagram displayed above describes how the Information Infrastructure works.  In the diagram, it shows us that when we input data or information via keyboard or mouse (input technologies), it becomes processed by the ALU or the Arithmetic Logic Unit that calculates/compares data, and then it becomes output and then it gets stored in the registers (internal memory) which we can store in your secondary drive (junk drive).   The data is then stored by bits, bytes and so on.  A bit is the amount of information that can be stored in by a digital device.  8 bits make up one byte, 1000 bytes equals 1 kilobytes, and it goes on and on.

It can allow us to input data, however, the control unit (that is part of the cpu) organizes which function it will do in order one by one.  When we input words or data, the computer doesn't understand it and it will convert into its machine language.  Machine language is otherwise known as binary code which is made up as 0s and 1s that make up the data that we input.  This falls under ASCII or the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cost/Analysis Report 3.3

The reason for the cost/benefit analysis report is because we want to show you what kinds of costs would be implemented during our business and what we could gain for benefits of using our services.  There are certain benefits that we would like to achieve, both tangible and intangible.  The tangible benefits are the money we could gain over a certain amount of time and the intangible benefits are our customer rating system and employee morale.  It is necessary to have both for our business to survive and prosper!

Our proxy values prove that intangible benefits are necessary to help our business thrive.  This includes employee morale and how our customers rate our services and how we could do better. 

Reasonable Arguments 3.2

Faith: Trust me, if we use this information system, it will help us achieve our organization's goals and gain an ultimate advantage over any other competitors.  It will also be faster, cheaper, and more accurate/consistent than any of our competitors.  All we need is your trust that this will work.

Fear:  If we don't update this system, we will die out and be forgotten.  Then the customers will lose out and you would lose them because we lost our business which equals a really bad situation.

Fact: This analysis shows that updating this Information System will lead to a cost-benefit report, you would gain money over time and lose just a bit of money based on recurring costs and non-recurring costs.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our Value-Chain Analysis

Cabin rentals looks like an easy business aspect. However, there is more to it than that. In this diagram, we have several business processes. 

Business processes are activities an organization performs to reach their business goals.  For example, for us to be ready for you, we need to gather supplies for the cabins so it would be ready for you and your loved one when you get there. 

We would then advertise our services online, in the newspaper, etc.  People who are interested in our service can call and talk with our receptionist(functional area info systems) to schedule an appointment with us to set up the vacation.

  Once they are there at the appointment, we would discuss on how they are going to pay this off; either with cash or credit.  That describes our transaction-processing info system.  Once we are done with the payment options, we would ask them which cabin they would like to go to: Miami or Bahamas. 

After they come back from their vacation, we would contact them and ask them how it went and how we could make it better, if possible (Customer Relations Management).

Friday, September 10, 2010


1)Flickr is a website that allows users to view, upload, download photos, and to connect with friends.

2) The three enablers that the website uses include:

a) Uploading feature

b) In-sourcing

c) "Steroids" (connecting with friends and interacting with them).

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Organizational Chart

Below the paragraphs is an organizational chart describing the positions of each of our three departments and the positions that I consider important.  The positions that are considered important are security, software engineer, and the system consultant. 

The Security Team is important because they take care of any issues that deal with our company's website and gets rid of the problems. 

Software engineer is the "thinker" and he/she comes up with the blueprints on how to design our website, so that way the computer programmer will know how to set up the website correctly.

The Systems Consultant helps us by pointing out what either makes our website work or what doesn't work.

Each of these people, will help make our company's website run smoothly and that's how we like it!!  

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Explaining Our Information

When we have a customer interested and they want to register in our services, we want to collect data that is considered "personal information".  First of all, once we introduce ourselves, we would want to know their name.  Once that's taken care of, we would ask them their date of birth to make sure that they meet the age requirements which is 18 or older.  We would then ask them the address, so we can able to mail special discounts to them. 

Once we get all their personal information, then we will give them a customer number.  The customer number will describe who is the person the number is representing and whether they will be staying either in the Bahamas or Florida.  After it tells us the location of the cabin, we would then ask them how many people will be staying over there and then we can determine how many cabin items might be needed.  We will then come up with a payment plan of how much they would like to pay and then we take that information and use it to put it on the billing information.  The billing information will tell us how many people were staying, the customer numbers, the date of check-in and check-out, and the bill for the vacation.